Tuesday, March 11

Thursday March 13th: Please leave a comment if you can make it!

I think that the best way to keep track of who is walking on any given day is to each leave a comment for that day. If you have a change of plans you might want to call one of the others who are signed up to walk that day.

We had a great day walking today with kids, wind and just a few sprinkles. It was awesome, and as the weather gets better it will be even more rewarding. So glad to have gone. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it and get me moving! I feel fabulous!

Since some cannot walk on T/TH we are going to add another day. This week we only have Friday left to choose from. :) Anyone can add a day at anytime. Let me know if you want to be added to our list of authors so you can add your day or anything else you want. I just need your email address.


Lori said...

Today's walk was great, looking forward to Thursday

T&D said...

The girls and I will be there!
J&J's mom

Troy and Beth said...

I should be there with the boys...just waiting for a call first from a visiting friend...but then knowing her, she won't be up at 9 *grin.